Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Nonstop Fun

Since it took me so long to find consistent internet, I'm going to play catchup for a moment.

Saturday- Arrive in Madrid, bus tour
Sunday- Tour of El Museo Prado and El Palacio Real, Bars
Monday- Leave Madrid for Toledo, tour of Toledo; including countless churches
Tuesday- Leave Toledo, 6 hour bus ride, arrive in Málaga and meet host person and roommate

Pretty much since the time I arrived in Madrid, it has been nonstop. I wish that we would have had more time to take everything in, but I know that they were trying to help us see as much of Madrid and Toledo as possible in such a short period of time. I wasn't a huge fan of Madrid; which was disappointing, because I've heard such great things about it. Madrid confirmed that fact that I am not a big city person and probably never will be. Aside from being way too big and busy, El Museo Prado and El Palacio Real were phenomenal, just a lot to take in all at once, especially in Spanish. We chose to go out our last night in Madrid, to say that we've experienced Madrid night life, even though we chose to go out on a Sunday night. Spainards take their alcohol very seriously, we ordered Daquiris that were almost 100% tequilla at a very unfriendly bar, but found another bar that had very friendly bartenders and made excellent Mojitos.

I am very sad that we were only able to spend one short day in Toledo; which I fell in love with. If you ever have the opportunity to visit Toledo, do it! I am already planning to return to Toledo for a weekend trip. Toledo was a reassuring change after Madrid had me doubting my decision to study abroad in Spain. It is a very small town, with some of the most unique architecture I have ever seen. It is quiet and serene and the people are incredibly friendly. I almost wished that I had chosen to study abroad in Toledo instead.

When I finally arrived in Málaga I met my host "señora"and my roommate, who are both way more than I could have ever expected. My roommate gave me a quick tour of the city; which I don't remember any of, as I was so awestruck to listen to all of the useful information that she was giving me. Good thing we share a room. Málaga is breathtaking and beautiful, it reminds me of San Diego in so many ways. I am so excited to spend the next three months here.

School starts tomorrow with a placement test at 8:30am, I am not looking forward to that. I keep forgetting that I am here to go to school and not just take in all that Spain has to offer. I was pleasantly surprised though when I found out that I have Fridays off, I guess I can make that compromise.

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